Issue - decisions

Approval to award new contracts for the supply of Personal Protective Equipment (‘PPE’) and Corporate Workwear/Uniforms

27/03/2024 - Approval to award new contracts for the supply of Personal Protective Equipment (‘PPE’) and Corporate Workwear/Uniforms

a) The Director of Strategy & Resources has approved the award of new contracts for the supply and delivery of PPE and Workwear/Uniforms. The award of contracts are to the following suppliers:
• Arden Winch & Company Ltd
• Arco Ltd
• SMI Int Group Ltd
• Protective Wear Supplies Ltd
b) The length of the contracts will be for 3 years with an option to extend for a further 12-months period.
c) The estimated value of these contracts over a 4-year period is £3.84 million pounds.
d) New contracts will commence on the 10th April 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter.

This is a significant operational decision as a direct result of a key decision taken on 19/09/2023 (Approval to Procure)