Issue - decisions

Update report – Joint Targeted Area Inspection (JTAI) on serious youth violence in Leeds

24/06/2024 - Update report – Joint Targeted Area Inspection (JTAI) on serious youth violence in Leeds

The Director of Children and Families and the Director of Communities, Housing and Environment submitted a joint report providing an overview of the Joint Targeted Area Inspection (JTAI) undertaken into the response of Leeds’ multi-agency partnership of the Local Authority, Police, violence reduction partnership and health services to children affected by serious youth violence. The report noted that the inspection was undertaken in March 2024, with the resulting inspection report published on 16th May 2024. The report presented the findings in the published inspection report and the proposals in terms of next steps and actions.


In presenting the report, the Executive Member provided an overview of the key elements of the inspection. The strengths of the service identified within the inspection report were noted, with the improvements which had been made regarding multi-agency relationships being highlighted. However, it was emphasised that the Council was not complacent in this area and that an action plan was underway to look to further develop and improve the service.


Responding to enquiries, the Board received further detail on the actions being taken to address the 3 areas for improvement which had been identified.


Regarding the requirement for a plan to be compiled and submitted in response to the report’s findings, the Board noted that this was being produced in collaboration with key partners. In response to a Member’s enquiry regarding the democratic oversight of the plan, it was undertaken that the plan could be shared with the Scrutiny Chair when completed, and that the Leeds Safeguarding Children Partnership Executive would oversee the implementation of the plan, in line with expectations.


Thanks was extended to all those involved in the delivery of support for young people in this complex area, including services across the Council and also in terms of the key role played by partner organisations.



(a)  That the contents of the submitted update report, be noted;


(b)  That the findings in the published inspection report, as appended to the submitted cover report, be noted; 


(c)  That it be noted that the Children and Families directorate accept the findings of the inspection and will address any areas for improvement for the Local Authority in partnership with Safer Leeds, as identified by the inspection team;


(d)  That it be noted that Leeds City Council is the principal authority and should prepare a written statement of proposed action responding to the findings outlined in the report, which should be a multi-agency response involving the individuals and agencies that the inspection report is addressed to. That it also be noted that the response should set out the actions for the partnership and, when appropriate, individual agencies, and that the local safeguarding partners should oversee the implementation of the action plan through their local multi-agency safeguarding arrangements.