The Director of Communities, Housing and Environment submitted a report providing an update on the delivery of the Leeds Food Strategy, which was a long-term vision for the sustained provision of healthy and affordable food in the city. Through the strategy delivery plan, the report drew Members’ attention to several key areas, with the report also seeking the Board’s approval of the governance, delivery and key performance indicators relating to the strategy, together with amendments to both the objectives and action plan.
In presenting the report, the Executive Member provided an overview of the key elements within the strategy and the key actions being delivered, highlighting how the strategy closely aligned with the three strategic pillars of the Best City Ambition. The cross-directorate approach being taken in this area, together with the partnership working with the third sector was noted.
Responding to a Member’s comments about the resource implications arising from the strategy and whether the aims and outcomes could be achieved in a more efficient way, it was clarified that there were no additional costs to the Council arising from delivering the strategy. It was also noted that the aim was to deliver outcomes through existing Council services and external organisations and helping them to work more collaboratively and towards the strategy’s objectives. The importance of promoting the strategy’s aims within communities was also highlighted.
In response to a further enquiry about how outcomes would be measured, one specific example was given regarding the routine data which was now received around the proportion of adults reporting to eat 5 fruit or vegetables a day.
(a) That the governance, delivery and key performance indicators of the Leeds Food Strategy, as detailed within the submitted report and appendices, be approved;
(b) That the progress made against the actions in the strategy, as presented in the submitted report / appendices be noted, and that the amendments to both the objectives and action plan, as detailed, be approved.