Issue - decisions

Approval to award grant funding to BARCA Leeds for delivery of the Single Homeless Accommodation Programme.

28/10/2024 - Approval to award grant funding to BARCA Leeds for delivery of the Single Homeless Accommodation Programme.

a) The Director of Communities, Housing and Environment approved the award of MHCLG SHAP grant of up to £1,395,355.00 to BARCA-Leeds (‘BARCA’) towards the revenue support delivery costs of the SHAP project by way of a grant agreement for a period of up to three years from the start date of activity which will commence no later than April 2025.
b) It is noted that this report follows an earlier Key Decision taken on 29th February 2024 that sought the approval to accept £6,544,976.00 funding from MHCLG and Homes England for SHAP. Decision reference D57189.