Issue - decisions

Design and Cost Report for the Assistive Technology Hub

18/11/2013 - Assistive Technology Hub for Leeds - Approval to Proceed

The Director of Adult Social Services submitted a report providing information on the proposals to develop an Assistive Technology (AT) Hub for Leeds by refurbishing 81, Clarence Road, which had been identified as the only suitable site within the Council’s portfolio. In addition, the report outlined the drivers behind the development, which included the need to relocate Leeds Community Equipment Store from Roundhay Road, as well as the strategic and financial benefits that would be realised. The report also sought the Board’s approval of expenditure worth £2,170,963 from the Community Capacity Grant in order to fund this development.


The Board welcomed the proposals detailed within the submitted report, and in response to Members’ enquiries, the Director of City Development undertook to provide Board Members with further information and assurances regarding the level of associated car parking provision (including blue badge parking provision) which would be available for users of the AT Hub. 



(a)  That authority to spend a total of £2,170,963 funded by the Community Capacity Grant (Department of Health) be approved for the development, as detailed within the submitted report.


(b)  That the Director of City Development provide Board Members with further information and assurances regarding the level of car parking provision (including blue badge parking provision) which would be available for users of the AT Hub.