Issue - decisions

Leeds LDF Site Allocations Plan - Issues and Options for Public Consultation

14/11/2013 - Leeds LDF Site Allocations Plan - Issues and Options for Public Consultation

Further to Minute No. 250, 16th May 2012, the Director of City Development submitted a report which sought the Board’s approval of the Site Allocations material, specifically Volumes 1 and 2 of the Issues and Options documents, as appended to the submitted report, in order to enable a period of public consultation to be undertaken during June and July 2013 on the Site Allocations Plan.


In presenting the report, the Executive Member for Neighbourhoods, Planning and Support Services placed on record his thanks to all officers who had been involved in the development of the Site Allocations documentation for their considerable efforts in getting the documents to this current stage. In addition, the Executive Member also thanked all Councillors who had contributed as part of the associated Elected Member engagement processes which had been undertaken to date.


Correspondence which had been received from Stuart Andrew MP regarding Leeds’ housing targets was tabled at the meeting for Board Members’ consideration. Responding to the correspondence and also to Members’ comments, the Board received information on the reasoning behind the housing targets detailed within the Leeds LDF Site Allocations Plan being consistent with the level of housing need identified within the Core Strategy. In addition, consideration was also given to how the approach proposed in Leeds compared to that being taken by neighbouring Local Authorities.


Also tabled at the meeting was amended wording in respect of paragraph 1.4.3 and section E5 of Volume 2, Housing Market Characteristic Area (HMCA) 1 (Aireborough) regarding Leeds Bradford International Airport. It was recommended that the revised wording was incorporated into the relevant sections of the issues and options document.


In considering the documentation, a question and answer session ensued. The key points raised were as follows:-

·  It was noted that Members may have specific concerns regarding individual site allocations proposed, however, it was acknowledged that the purpose of the documentation submitted to the Board was to facilitate early community and stakeholder engagement on a range of options;

·  It was emphasised that the site allocations process needed to be progressed at the earliest opportunity in order to enable the Council to produce a Site Allocations Plan which would demonstrate that sufficient land would be available when needed to meet the Core Strategy targets. It was noted that having such arrangements in place would enable the Council to have greater influence and provide greater direction on development throughout the city;

·  Members welcomed the fact that the number of site allocations proposed in the ‘green’ and ‘amber’ categories was substantially greater than the residual requirement in each of the HCMAs, thus providing considerable choice for public comment;

·  The Board highlighted the need for the proposed public consultation exercise to be robust and genuine, and emphasised the need for all sections of the community to be involved, including young people and the elderly;

·  Emphasis was placed upon the need to ensure that the unique character of communities throughout Leeds was retained;

·  The importance of the Neighbourhood Planning agenda was highlighted, along with the ways in which the agenda related to the Site Allocations process. In addition, emphasis was also placed upon the efforts being made to support Neighbourhood Planning in Leeds;

·  The ambitious nature of the city was highlighted together with the need to ensure that Site Allocations process reflected such ambitions;

·  The Board highlighted the vital importance of ensuring that appropriate levels of infrastructure were secured across Leeds, which were in line with demand, catered for all sections of the community and took into consideration the city’s changing demographics. With regard to such matters, emphasis was placed upon education, adult social care, transport and health provision respectively.


In conclusion, as part of the ongoing engagement with Members, it was requested that Leaders of all political groups be invited to meet to consider a number of key issues in respect of the Site Allocations process, in particular the methodology and extent of the proposed consultation exercise. 



(a)  That the Site Allocations Plan Issues and Options documents (Volumes 1 and 2 as appended to the submitted report) be approved for the purposes of public consultation, subject to the inclusion of the updated text which was circulated at the meeting in respect of Leeds Bradford International Airport.


(b)  That as part of the ongoing engagement with Members, Leaders of all political groups be invited to meet to consider a number of key issues in respect of the Site Allocations process, in particular, the methodology and extent of the proposed consultation exercise.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5 Councillor Golton required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute)