Issue - decisions

East Leeds Orbital Road

28/01/2014 - East Leeds Extension: Next Steps in Enabling Investment in Infrastructure and Housing

Further to Minute No. 100, 9th October 2013,the Director of City Development submitted a report providing an update on the work undertaken to establish the principles on which the financial contribution of housing developers to the construction of the East Leeds Orbital Road (ELOR) could be based. The submitted report invited the Board to note the rationale behind the approach proposed and to consider the implications for the Council and its role in leading the delivery of infrastructure and housing in the East Leeds Extension.


The Board acknowledged the significance of the scheme for East Leeds, both in respect of housing development and also with regard to associated infrastructure and noted that it was currently anticipated that the Northern Quadrant planning application would be submitted to City Plans Panel in February 2014.


Responding to an enquiry, the Board was provided with clarification both on the associated timescales for the scheme, together with the processes by which the development was being progressed. 


Members noted that further work was to be undertaken with regard to proposals around greenspace provision associated with the development, whilst the Board also received an update in respect of the current position regarding infrastructure funding.


Regarding paragraph 2.11 of the submitted report, the Executive Member for Neighbourhoods, Planning and Support Services sought the Board’s approval to withdraw a section of this paragraph (commencing: ‘It is envisaged’ through to ‘to the A58’, together with the removal of the word ‘further’ from the final sentence), in order to properly reflect the current position in respect of the Red Hall site, and the fact that preliminary work in the form of an Informal Planning Statement would continue in 2014, along with associated consultation. The paragraph within the submitted report would then read:


‘In Section 1 – Red Hall, the Council itself owns the majority of the land, which was the subject of a report to Executive Board in September 2013. Members approved drafting of an informal Planning Statement for the site that following relocation of the existing Parks & Countryside nursery would guide possible future development and set out the requirement for local infrastructure and facilities. The detailed brief will be developed during 2014 and will be subject to consultation with local residents and other stakeholders’. 



(a)  That the position reached in discussions with the Northern Quadrant consortium, as set out within the submitted report, be noted.


(b)  That with regard to paragraph 2.11 of the submitted report, the section of this paragraph (commencing: ‘It is envisaged’ through to ‘to the A58’, together with the word ‘further’ from the final sentence) be withdrawn from the report, in order to properly reflect the current position in respect of the Red Hall site, and the fact that preliminary work in the form of an Informal Planning Statement would continue in 2014, along with associated consultation. As a result, the paragraph within the submitted report would read as detailed above.


(c)  That support be given to the principle that (subject to the grant of planning permission) the delivery of the East Leeds Orbital Road between the A58 and A64 roundabouts should be funded by developer contributions, to be included in a s106 agreement to be negotiated by the Chief Planning Officer (paragraphs 3.8 – 3.12 of the submitted report refer).


(d)  That approval be given to the principle of direct delivery by the City Council of the East Leeds Orbital Road between the A58 and A64, to be led by the Chief Highways and Transportation Officer, subject to securing the necessary statutory consents, the grant of planning permission including the completion of the s106 agreement and the approval of a detailed financial business case (paragraphs 3.10 – 3.12 of the submitted report refer).


(e)  That approval be given for the Chief Highways and Transportation Officer to progress delivery of the East Leeds Orbital Road between the A58 and A64 on the basis that, should any compulsory purchase of land be required, the s106 agreement negotiated by the Chief Planning Officer will include an indemnity to the Council from the Northern Quadrant consortium for all costs properly incurred in pursuing a CPO (paragraphs 3.20 – 3.22 of the submitted report refer).


(f)  That a further report be brought back to Executive Board by the Director of City Development in order to agree the specific financial implications for the Council as early as possible once the details of the s106 Agreement for the Northern Quadrant have been established.


(g)  That approval be given to the approach as set out within resolutions (a) to (d) above. With this approach being used as a basis for the Chief Planning Officer to lead discussions with landowners and developers in the Red Hall, Middle and Southern Quadrants of the East Leeds Extension for establishing developer contributions to the funding of the East Leeds Orbital Road (as set out within paragraphs 3.25 – 3.27 of the submitted report), subject to the further legal clarification referred to in paragraph 3.30 of the submitted report.


(h)  That the due diligence now underway with the Homes and Communities Agency and development interests to secure access to up to £15,200,000 of support in the form of loans or equity from the government’s Local Infrastructure Fund towards the costs of delivering the East Leeds Orbital Road which will support the development of housing in the East Leeds Extension, be noted (paragraphs 3.32 – 3.33 of the submitted report refer).