Issue - decisions

Leeds Strategic Economic Plan

17/03/2014 - Leeds City Council Input to Leeds City Region Strategic Economic Plan

Further to Minute No. 165, 22nd January 2014, the Director of City Development submitted a report which set out the recommended main proposals from Leeds City Council to be incorporated into the Leeds City Region (LCR) Strategic Economic Plan.


Members noted that the Leeds City Council submission towards the LCR Strategic Economic Plan would be considered by the Local Enterprise Partnership for inclusion within the overarching LCR Strategic Economic Plan document. In addition, the Board discussed the time period which the Strategic Economic Plan would cover.



(a)  That the main emerging priorities from Leeds, which will form the basis for Leeds City Council’s submission to the Leeds City Region Strategic Economic Plan, be endorsed.


(b)  That the approach of using the Core Cities “asks” of Government, as the basis for our proposals to Government, through the Strategic Economic Plan and the City Growth Deal, for greater devolution to support economic growth be endorsed.


(c)  That the Chief Economic Development Officer be requested to co-ordinate further work to develop the proposals from Leeds for input into the Strategic Economic Plan, and also to work closely with the Leeds City Region team on the production of the Strategic Economic Plan.


(The matters referred to within this minute were designated as being exempt from Call In. A decision may be declared as being exempt from Call In if it is considered that any delay would seriously prejudice the Council’s or the public interest. In this case, the exemption from Call In is due to the tight timescales for finalising the Strategic Economic Plan, specifically, the Local Enterprise Partnership Board meeting to consider the draft plan is scheduled for 17th March 2014)