Issue - decisions

Aire Valley Enterprise Zone Park and Ride Proposal Update

01/08/2014 - Aire Valley Enterprise Zone Park and Ride Proposal Update and funding approval

Further to Minute No. 205, 5th March 2014, the Director of City Development submitted a report providing an update on the progress towards delivering a Park and Ride site in Aire Valley and also on the Aire Valley Enterprise Zone Building Foundations for Growth (BFG) grant funded schemes. In addition, the report also sought approval to fund the purchase of the park and ride site if necessary.


The Board supported the proposals detailed within the submitted report and welcomed the proposal for further park and ride provision in the city, following the recent opening of the Elland Road site. It was highlighted that in addition to servicing the Enterprise Zone, an Aire Valley park and ride facility would also benefit those travelling into the city centre.


Following consideration of appendix A to the submitted report, designated as exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which was considered in private at the conclusion of the meeting, it was



(a)  That the provisionally agreed heads of terms with Aire Valley Land Ltd for the Council’s purchase of a 10 acre remediated site for a 1000 space Park & Ride facility, be approved.


(b)  That if necessary, approval be given to the Council funding the acquisition of the park and ride site, as set out in the exempt appendix A of the submitted report and that it be noted that such approval constitutes an ‘authority to spend’.


(c)  That the injection of funds into the capital programme for the acquisition be approved.


(d)  That the Director of City Development in consultation with the Leader, the Executive Member for Transport and the Economy, the Deputy Chief Executive and the City Solicitor, be authorised to use his delegated powers to agree final terms and enter into all necessary documents for the acquisition of the site.


(e)  That the resolutions, as detailed within this minute be deemed exempt from call in.


(f)   That the following be noted:-

i.   The stages required to implement the decision, as outlined in section 3.8 of the submitted report.

ii.   The proposed timescales for implementation, as outlined in section 3.8 of the submitted report.

iii.   That the Chief Officer Highways and Transportation will be responsible for the implementation of such matters.


(The matters referred to within this minute were designated as being exempt from Call In as it was determined that a delay in completing all the necessary legal documentation as soon as practically possible would have an adverse impact upon achieving the programme of works to enable delivery within the specified time frame).