Issue - decisions

Garforth Area Proposed Various Waiting Restrictions

27/07/2015 - Garforth Area Proposed Various Waiting Restrictions

The Head of Transportation:

i) authorised the detailed design and subsequent implementation of a scheme to introduce a various waiting restrictions in the Garforth and Aberford areas;

ii) requested the City Solicitor to advertise a draft Traffic Regulation Order, to introduce various waiting restrictions in the Garforth and Aberford areas, as shown on drawing TME-13.1-151.1 and; if no valid objections are received, to make and seal the TRO as advertised;

iii) approved an injection of £10,800 into the Capital Programme; and

iv) gave authority to incur expenditure of £10,800, being £6,800 works costs, £2,000 Staff fees and £2,000 legal fees, to be fully funded from a private developer receipt.