Further to Minute No. 76, 4th September 2013, the Director of Environment and Housing submitted a report regarding the latest designs and costs relating to the relocation of the Parks and Countryside horticultural nursery from Red Hall to Whinmoor Grange along with the relocation of other operational services currently based at Red Hall. In addition, the report sought approval of an injection into the capital scheme and subsequent expenditure of £6.5m for the construction and relocation works from Red Hall to Whinmoor Grange.
The Board paid tribute to the valuable work undertaken by the horticultural nursery service. Furthermore, Members emphasised the ongoing partnership work taking place between the service and community organisations across the city and highlighted the need for such partnership working to continue and develop further with the help of the proposed new facility.
A Member raised the issue of the proposed entry point to the facility and highlighted the need to ensure that it remained in keeping with the wider area.
(a) That an injection of £6.5m into Capital Scheme No. 32415/000/000 be approved;
(b) That expenditure of up to £6.5m to design and build a replacement horticultural nursery for Leeds City Council Parks and Countryside at Whinmoor Grange and for the relocation of other services from the existing Red Hall depot, be approved, subject to planning approval and Local Growth Fund loan agreement;
(c) That in accordance with Contracts Procedure Rule 3.1.8, approval be given to the selection of a single stage develop and construct procurement approach via an open non-EU procurement, in order to obtain a specialist contractor to undertake the proposed construction of a horticultural nursery glasshouse at Whinmoor Grange, with the evaluation criteria of 70% of marks for the lowest compliant cost and 30% of marks for quality criteria;
(d) That the current designs, as detailed at appendix 1 to the submitted report, and the costs for Whinmoor Grange nursery, be approved, subject to the necessary planning approval;
(e) That it be noted that the Chief Officer (Parks and Countryside) will be responsible for the implementation of such matters, and to ensure that the Parks and Countryside service vacate the Red Hall site by the end of 2016.