The Director of City Development submitted a report providing details regarding the cost of repairs to Council owned infrastructure as a result of the flooding in December 2015 and the grant award funding from government to effect repairs. Specifically, the submitted report detailed proposals regarding the repair of Linton Bridge and which sought support to approach Central Government to make additional funds available for broader infrastructure works.
Members received an update on the currently projected timeframe for the completion of the bridge, whilst the complexities of the project were noted. In addition, further information was also provided on the actions being taken to progress other assets which had been damaged by the 2015 winter storms.
(a) That the contents of the submitted report be noted;
(b) That the proposal not to pursue the provision of a temporary bridge between Linton and Collingham be approved;
(c) That the injection of £4.5m government grant for local road repairs into the Bridge Maintenance Capital Programme, together with associated ‘Authority to Spend’, be approved, for the sole purpose of expeditious repairs to Linton Bridge, with any remaining funding at the completion of the repairs to be distributed proportionally to the cost of repairs to other Leeds City Council infrastructure assets;
(d) That the Permanent Works be procured and delivered in line with the dates as identified within section 3.11 of the submitted report;
(e) That support be given to an approach being made to Central Government to make additional funds available for broader infrastructure works;
(f) That it be noted that the Chief Officer Highways and Transportation is responsible for the implementation of such matters.