The Head of Transportation:
i) gave authority to incur expenditure of £7,500, comprising
£1,000 works costs, £2,500 staff fee costs and
£4,000 legal fee costs, all to be funded by a Section 106
contribution from the operator of the visitor attraction;
ii) authorised the City Solicitor to make and advertise an
Experimental Traffic Regulation Order prohibiting waiting, All Days
8am to 6.30pm as shown on drawing No.TM/10/BR1. A provision shall
be included to enable the Chief Officer (Highways and
Transportation) to modify or suspend the Order during the period of
the experiment; and
iii) at the end of the 18 month experimental period and in the
event that no valid objections have been received give appropriate
consideration to making the Order permanent incorporating any
modifications considered appropriate following the monitoring of
the measures.