Issue - decisions

Site Allocations Plan - Submission to the Secretary of State

13/02/2017 - Leeds Site Allocations Plan Submission Draft Stage (Including Advertisement of Pre-Submission Changes to the Plan)

Further to Minute No. 73, 21st September 2016, the Director of City Development submitted a report which sought approval to advertise a consolidated set of proposed pre-submission changes to the Site Allocations Plan (Publication Draft Site Allocations Plan and Revised Publication Draft for Outer North East HMCA). In addition, the report also sought Executive Board to recommend that full Council approves the Submission Draft Plan for submission to the Secretary of State for the purposes of independent examination.


Board Members were in receipt of supplementary information in the form of an addendum to the submitted cover report which sought the Board’s approval to recommend that full Council provided the necessary authority to the independent inspector appointed to hold Public Examination to make modifications to the Submission Draft of the Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan.  In addition, Members were also in receipt of an updated version of a plan concerning Site Reference: MX2-39 (5372) – Parlington Estate, Aberford (Phase 1) which formed part of appendix 2 to the submitted report.


Members discussed the level of land proposed to be allocated for development as part of this process within the green belt, discussed specific sites Meanwood (HG2-49) and Tingley (HG2-169), whilst also considering the associated timescales regarding the submission of the Site Allocations Plan, together with the relationship between the Site Allocations Plan and the Selective Review of the Core Strategy.



(a)  That the request from Development Plan Panel (10th January 2017) that Executive Board receive further information on two housing allocations at Weetwood (HG2-49) and Tingley (HG2-169) in light of the recent withdrawal by the Cricket and Rugby Clubs of their planning applications for housing development at Weetwood be noted, together with the information on such matters, as detailed within the submitted report. Also, having considered this information, and having considered the implications and risks of removing the sites at this stage with any necessary changes to the Pre-Submission Changes made, both sites remain within the Submission Draft Plan, as currently presented;


(b)  That the Board approves and recommends that full Council approves the pre-submission changes to the Publication Draft Site Allocations Plan, as set out in Appendix 1 to the submitted report;


(c)  That the Board approves and recommends that full Council approves the Submission Draft of the Site Allocations Plan (comprising the Publication Draft Plan, the Revised Publication Draft Plan for the Outer North East and the Pre-Submission Changes – together known as the “Submission Draft Plan”) for the purposes of Submission to the Secretary of State for independent examination, pursuant to Section 20 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 as amended;


(d)  That the Board approves and recommends that full Council approves the Sustainability Appraisal Report, as detailed at Appendix 3 to the submitted report, in support of the Plan, for Submission to the Secretary of State for independent examination pursuant to Section 20 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 as amended;


(e)  That full Council be recommended to grant authority to the independent inspector appointed to hold the Public Examination, in order to make modifications to the  Submission Draft Plan, pursuant to Section 20 (7C) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 as amended;


(f)  That agreement be given that a further period of advertisement on the pre-submission changes to the Publication Draft Site Allocations Plan is provided, and that any further comments received be submitted to the Secretary of State at the time the Submission Draft Plan is submitted for independent examination;


(g)  That agreement be given and that it be recommended to full Council that it delegates authority to the Chief Planning Officer, in consultation with the relevant Executive Member, to make any factual and other minor changes to the pre-submission changes, prior to advertisement;


(h)  That the necessary authority be delegated to the Chief Planning Officer, in consultation with the relevant Executive Member, to:  a) approve the detail of any further technical documents and supporting evidence required to be submitted alongside the plan for consideration at Public Examination; b) continue discussions with key parties and suggest to the Inspector any edits and consequential changes necessary to be made to the Submission Draft Plan following Council approval up to and during the Examination; and c) prepare and give evidence in support of the Plan at Examination;


(i)  That full Council be recommended to grant authority to the independent inspector appointed to hold the Public Examination, in order to make modifications to the Submission Draft Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan, pursuant to Section 20 (7C) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, as amended.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillors A Carter and Golton both required it to recorded that they respectively abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute)


(The matters referred to within this minute, given that they were decisions being made in accordance with the Budget and Policy Framework

Procedure Rules, were not eligible for Call In)