Issue - decisions

Innovation in Children's Services

27/03/2017 - Innovation in Children's Services

The Director of Children’s Services submitted a report advising of Children’s Services’ success in negotiating a three year investment of £9.6m in the city’s services for children and families, which would be used to accelerate the city’s reform agenda, helping to trial and develop new approaches and also reshape and refocus existing services. In addition, the report sought the Board’s endorsement of the acceptance and use of such funding, and to give the Director of Children’s Services delegated responsibility for the implementation of associated actions.


Members considered the level of funding which had been received, the period over which it would be allocated, and noted the undertaking that it would be fully utilised to continue to progress the improvement of outcomes for children and young people in Leeds.


Having noted the recent publication of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Children (APPGC)’s report into Children’s Social Care in England entitled, ‘No Good Options’ and the fact that young people from Leeds had been involved in providing evidence as part of the compilation of that report, it was requested that Executive Board Members receive a copy of the document for their information.



(a)  That the success of Children’s Services in attracting funding to the city be welcomed;


(b)  That the acceptance, use and planned investment of the Innovation Funding be endorsed;


(c)  That following resolution (b) above, the responsibility for the implementation of such matters be delegated to the Director of Children’s Services.