Issue - decisions

Financial Regulations

04/04/2017 - Financial Regulations

The council's Financial Regulations are incorporated within Part 4 of its
Constitution. Following the appointment from 1't April 2017 of the Chief Officer (Financial Services) as the new Chief Finance Officer (the Section 151 Officer appointed under the Local Government Act 1972), it is necessary to amend Financial Regulations to take account of this change. under the 1972 Act, the Section 151 Officer has the responsibility to make arrangements for the proper administration of the council's financial affairs, and Financial Regulations form one element of these arrangements.

ln addition to updating the Financial Regulations to reflect the new governance structure, the chief Finance officer has also clarified and strengthened a number of regulations in order to improve the financial control environment.

The Chief Finance Officer has determined that these new Financial Regulations will come into force from 3rd April2017.