Issue - decisions

Council House Growth Programme - Delivery of Extra Care Housing

20/07/2017 - Council House Growth Programme - Delivery of Extra Care Housing

The Director of Resources and Housing, the Director of City Development and the Director of Adults and Health submitted a joint report which set out proposals for the delivery of extra care housing for older people across the city as part of the Council House Growth Programme and in support of the Better Lives Programme. In addition, the report also set out recommendations in order to enable the project to progress, including the use of Council owned sites which had been identified as suitable for delivery of extra care, the commitment of funding for the project from the Council House Growth Programme and the intended delivery strategy.


Members discussed the pace at which the programme was progressing, and highlighted the importance of using the initiative to encourage developers to bring their own land and schemes forward for the purposes of extra care provision. The Board also noted the cross-directorate working which continued in this area to progress the initiative.


In considering the sites detailed within the submitted report and the geographical spread of them, it was noted that the sites referenced were simply a shortlist which had been drawn up for extra care provision.


In conclusion, it was suggested that a cross-party working group could be established in order to assist with the progression of this scheme.



(a)  That the investment being made in the delivery of extra care housing as part of the Council House Growth Programme be noted;


(b)  That agreement be given that the sites included in section 3.13 of the submitted report should be dedicated to the delivery of the extra care housing programme, and that it be noted that any decisions on the disposal of Council land to enable this will be taken by the Director of City Development;


(c)  That the intended procurement strategy for the delivery of extra care housing, as set out at paragraphs 3.15-3.20 of the submitted report, be agreed;


(d)  That the needs assessment already undertaken to provide the evidence base for extra care delivery be noted;


(e)  That the potential revenue savings to the Council, which will result from the provision of additional extra care housing places across the city be noted, and that it also be noted that these will be accrued through the use of sites that would otherwise be disposed of to generate a capital receipt;


(f)  That the potential reduction in forecast capital receipts arising from the inclusion of the identified sites in the extra care programme be noted, together with the fact that this will be kept under review, but will be offset by future annual revenue savings and any additional land receipts arising from the delivery approach;


(g)  That a further report on progress regarding the delivery of the programme be submitted to the Executive Board in June 2018;


(h)  That it be noted that the responsible officer for the implementation of such matters is the Director of Resources and Housing.