Issue - decisions

Permission to procure a Leeds HIV Support Service during 2018/19 for a five year contract commencing 1 April 2019. The annual value is greater than £250K

26/01/2018 - To seek authority from the Director of Adults and Health to procure a Leeds HIV Support Service (LHIVSS). The annual value of the contract to be procured will be £293,455

The Director of Adults and Health approved the recommendation to proceed with a procurement process, as outlined in this report and in line with Contract Procedure Rules (CPRs) 3.1.8. The Director of Adults and Health noted that approval to appoint a suitable provider/s to deliver the service will be requested following this procurement process.

The Director of Adults and Health will use their delegated authority to take commissioning decisions which will be a direct consequence of this key decision, for example approval of the detailed specifications for procurement and subsequent contract awards.  These will be at most significant operational decisions.  This is subject to the decisions being in line with the key principles and features as described in the report.