Issue - decisions

Centre of Excellence for Retail and Hospitality

12/02/2018 - Establishment of a Skills Academy - the Centre of Excellence for Retail and Hospitality

Further to Minute No. 159, 8th February 2017, the Director of City Development submitted a report which presented the operational plan for a skills academy, the Centre for Retail and Hospitality Excellence (CORHE), which was an employer-led initiative sponsored by the Council, LeedsBID and a consortia of providers which aimed to deliver a range of bespoke services to attract, retain and develop employees and foster and develop skills training that kept pace with innovations in these sectors and looked to maximise their relevance for Leeds businesses.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board received further information on the balance of representation on the board of management from both large and smaller independent businesses in the target sectors, which was aimed at ensuring that provision met a wide range of needs and that all would have the opportunity to access the services offered.  



(a)  That the partnership proposals to establish the employer-led skills academy, the Centre for Retail and Hospitality Excellence, be endorsed;


(b)  That expenditure of £195,000 to support the establishment and operation of the skills academy, be authorised;


(c)  That it be noted that the Chief Officer, Employment and Skills will be responsible for the implementation of the resolutions above.