The Chief Officer (Highways and
• Authorised the detailed design, consultation including
advertisement of a Section 23 Notice and implementation of a scheme
to regulate parking, encourage sustainable forms of transport to
school through the improved pedestrian and cycle crossing
facilities, reduce vehicular speeds and generally create a safe
road environment around the new school entrance, as detailed in
paragraphs 3.4.1 to 3.4.4;
• Requested the City Solicitor to:
• Advertise a draft Traffic Regualtion Order to introduce
‘waiting restrictions’ on Harewood Way, Hough Top,
Swinnow Lane and Wellstone Avenue, as shown on drawing numbers
TM/28/2859/HB1.2 and if no objections are received, to make and
seal the order as advertised;
• Advertise a draft Speed Limit Order to introduce a 20mph
speed limit zone shown on drawing TM/15/2859/HB1.3 and if no valid
objections are received, to make and seal the order as advertised;
• Advertise a notice under Section 90c of the Highways Act
1980 to provide a new speed plateau for a humped Tiger Crossing as
shown on drawing TM/15/2859/HB1.1.