Issue - decisions

Fee increases for Externally Commissioned Home Care, Extra Care and Direct Payments

25/07/2018 - Fee increases for Externally Commissioned Home Care, Extra Care and Direct Payments

The Director of Adults and Health approved –

An increase in the externally commissioned homecare hourly rates for the Primary and Framework Providers in accordance with the specified costing template within the terms and conditions of the contract and set out in paragraph 3.17 of the report. 

An increase in the hourly rates for Extra Care and Direct Payments in accordance with the home care rate increases to be applied to the Primary and Framework providers. 

A 2% increase in the rates budget provision for spot purchased homecare.

The establishment of 3 FTE posts at SO2 grade within the staff structure of Adults and Health Commissioning, at a cost of approximately £116,292 per annum, including on-costs and initial overheads.