Issue - decisions

Tender Acceptance Reward for Hawksworth Wood Primary School Expansion Early Works Phase 2

30/04/2018 - Tender Acceptance Reward for Hawksworth Wood Primary School Expansion Early Works Phase 2

The Director of Children and Families agreed to:

• Approve the request to award the contract for the sum of £1,492,658 to Interserve Construction Limited to construct four new classrooms, carry out internal refurbishment works both in the School and the Children’s Centre as well as improvement works to the external environment.

• Authorise the signature of all contractual documentation with Interserve Construction Limited in relation to the tender acceptance.

• Note that the contract award figure includes the value of the early works already signed on Monday 16th April 2018.

• Note the programme dates identified in section 4.0 of this report, in relation to the implementation of this decision.

• Note that the whole scheme will be completed by October 2018; however sufficient accommodation to support the expansion will be available from September 2018