Issue - decisions

Outcome of Statutory Notice on a proposal to increase learning places at Moor Allerton Hall Primary School from September 2019.

24/09/2018 - Outcome of Statutory Notice on a proposal to increase learning places at Moor Allerton Hall Primary School

Further to Minute No. 29, 27th June 2018, the Director of Children and Families submitted a report detailing the outcome of a Statutory Notice which had been published regarding a proposal to expand primary school provision at Moor Allerton Hall Primary School and which sought a final decision in respect of this proposal.


Concern was raised by 2 Members regarding the submitted proposal, with reference being made to the representations which had been received as part of the consultation process and the recommendation of the School Organisation Advisory Board (SOAB), as appended to the submitted report. In considering this matter, Members discussed the level and nature of the responses which had been received to the proposals.


Clarification was provided to Members regarding the pool of membership for the Advisory Board, and that there were the required number of attendees at the meeting of SOAB on 15th August 2018 to make a formal recommendation.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry regarding whether SOAB still held the concerns it raised at its meeting, the Board noted that the process was that following SOABs consideration of the proposals and their subsequent recommendation, the recommendation of SOAB was included within the Executive Board report for the Board’s consideration as part of the final determination.  In considering this, the Board was advised that it was felt that the concerns raised by SOAB had been addressed, and in response to a Member’s request, officers undertook to provide further detail to SOAB members confirming that their concerns had been duly considered by Executive Board and also explaining how it was felt that such concerns had been addressed.


As part of the discussion, a request was made that consideration be given to the role of SOAB, with this to be picked up as part of any future review on related matters.


In conclusion, it was confirmed to the Board that no new concerns had been raised further to those referenced by SOAB or which had arisen from the consultation, with the Board noting that it was felt that those existing concerns had been addressed. As such, Members considered the recommendations in the submitted report, and it was



(a)  That the proposal to permanently expand primary provision at Moor Allerton Hall Primary School from a capacity of 420 pupils to 630 pupils, with an increase in the admission number from 60 to 90, with effect from September 2019, be approved;


(b)  That it be noted that the implementation of resolution (a) (above) is subject to feasibility and planning permission, as indicated at paragraph 3.9.15 of the submitted report, with it also being noted that the proposal has been brought forward in time to allow places to be delivered for 2019;


(c)  That it be noted that the responsible officer for the implementation of such matter is the Head of Learning Systems.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor Golton required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute, whilst under the same provisions, Councillor A Carter voted against the decisions referred to within this minute)