Issue - decisions

Physical Activity and Sport Ambition Update

24/09/2018 - Development of a City Physical Activity and Sport Ambition in Leeds

The Director of City Development and the Director of Public Health submitted a joint report which highlighted the benefits of physical activity, outlined the progress being made on the development of a new physical activity and sport ‘ambition’, and detailed some of the work being undertaken in this area by the Active Leeds Service. 


Members discussed the extent of the new approach that the ambition was proposing and highlighted the need for such an initiative to be undertaken collaboratively across directorates and agencies, with officers reiterating the ‘whole system’ approach, as detailed within the submitted report.


Members also emphasised the existing commitment to physical activity which had been highlighted via the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and the Best Council Plan for instance, and referenced the valuable and continuing role played by Scrutiny in the development of the ambition.


Emphasis was also placed upon the importance of monitoring the impact of the ambition, with it being noted that the intention was to submit further reports to the Board in future in order to monitor the progress being made.



(a)  That the overriding evidence base in support of the importance of physical activity, as outlined in the submitted report, be noted;


(b)  That the development of a new physical activity and sport ambition, together with the need to adopt a systems based approach, be supported;


(c)  That the statement made by the former ‘Inclusive Growth, Culture and Sport’ Scrutiny Board, as detailed within the submitted report, together with the Scrutiny Board’s desire to increase the significance of physical activity in future Council plans, be noted;


(d)  That approval be given for the ‘Adults, Health and Active Lifestyles’ Scrutiny Board to continue to be engaged in the development of the new Physical Activity and Sport Ambition;


(e)  That the role that the Active Leeds Service together with Public Health are playing in driving forward this agenda, be supported;


(f)  That the final city Physical Activity and Sport Ambition be submitted to Executive Board in due course, with the submitted report highlighting the wider implications of this initiative for the Council;


(g)  That it be noted that the Head of Active Leeds is responsible for the implementation of such matters.