Issue - decisions

Leeds Bradford International Airport Link Route Funding Agreement

24/09/2018 - Leeds Bradford Airport Transport Infrastructure Package

Further to Minute No. 84, 15th October 2014, the Director of City Development submitted a report providing an update on the recent progress made in developing schemes to improve connectivity and surface access to Leeds Bradford Airport (LBA) in the context of airport growth, the proposed Employment Hub and the wider transport strategy. Also, the report sought endorsement of a proposed joint consultation exercise between the Council and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA), and which also sought approval to enter into funding agreements with the WYCA, as may be necessary for scheme development.


Responding to a Member’s concern regarding the consultation of local Ward Councillors on this issue, it was highlighted that a sub group meeting of the Outer North West Community Committee was scheduled in the near future to consider such matters. However, it was undertaken that if a further consultation meeting with local Ward Members was required, then this too could be facilitated.


It was also noted that some Board Members had received representations on this issue from a member of the public. In response it was noted that such representations would be fed into the consultation process.



(a)  That the progress made in relation to the LBA transport infrastructure package to date, be noted;


(b)  That the emerging multi-modal transport strategy for serving LBA and the LBA Employment Hub be endorsed, with the development of the wider transport context in North West Leeds and the surrounding area, being noted;


(c)  That the principle of the joint consultation exercise, covering both the LBA Link Route and LBA Parkway Station, including contacting potentially affected landowners in advance of the general release of alignment plans, be endorsed;


(d)  That engagement with landowners and Leeds Bradford Airport to explore opportunities to expedite early delivery of the LBA Parkway Station and associated LBA Station Link spur road, be endorsed, with the necessary authority being delegated to the Director of City Development to enable the Director to acquire land by agreement, if such opportunity arises;


(e)  That it be noted that officers will return to Executive Board following the consultation in order to seek future direction, including approval for the selection of the preferred option and the submission of the Outline Business Case for the LBA Link Route, and (if appropriate), in principle support for the LBA Parkway Station;


(f)  That approval be given for the injection together with the ‘authority to spend’ for the expenditure of the development costs of £1.785m, up to approval of the Outline Business Case, subject to the finalisation of a grant agreement with West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) in accordance with their assurance framework; and that the approval of the terms of any future funding agreements be delegated to the Chief Officer Highways and Transportation;


(g)  That it be noted that the Chief Officer Highways and Transportation is responsible for the delivery of the LBA Link Route, with an anticipated completion date of 2026/27, whilst it also be noted that responsibility for the delivery of the LBA Parkway Station rests with the Combined Authority.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor A Carter required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute)