Issue - decisions

Approval to enter into a contract with Netcall Telecom Ltd (Netcall) for the provision of an IVR system.

23/08/2018 - Approval to enter into a contract with Netcall Telecom Ltd (Netcall) for the provision of an IVR system.

The Chief Officer agreed to approve the waiver of Contract Procedure Rules 8.1 and 8.2 and award a contract to Netcall for the provision of an IVR system, for a period of three years with the option to extend for a further period of 2x 12 months.
A number of alternative IVR systems have been assessed against the Council’s requirements for suitability and compatibility with the Council existing telephony system, and the IVR system from Netcall was found to offer the best overall solution to meet the Councils requirements.
To carry out a full procurement exercise to award a contract of this low value (c.£8,000 p/a) would be costly and time consuming, and would not represent best use of Council money and resources. It would also delay implementation, which in turn would impact the Councils ability to make immediate savings and improve customer service.
Further details within attached waiver request of 23rd August 2018.