The Director of Childrens & Families agreed to:
1. Approve the expenditure of £4,674,243.89 from capital scheme number 32655/CAR/000 for the construction work and associated fees for the expansion of Carr Manor Community School (Primary Phase) necessary for occupation from September 2019.
2. Authorise acceptance of the tender submitted via the Leeds Local Education Partnership in the sum of £3,977,804 inclusive of all professional design fees incurred by the appointed contractor, development costs and surveys incurred by the contractor. Noting that this figure includes the previously approved sum of £997,750 for the completion of the necessary ‘Early Works’ packages. Release of funding for the construction costs will be subject to valuations completed and validated by NPS Ltd. (Leeds).
3. Authorise the requirement to enter into a contractual agreement with Leeds D&B One Co. to deliver the development at Carr Manor Community School (Primary Phase). This will take the form of a JCT 2016 head contract between the authority and Leeds D&B One Ltd for the sum of £3,977,804.
4. Note that the estimated scheme cost of £4,674,243.89 includes; £3,977,804 for construction works (this is the contract / tender submission value inclusive of £997,750 of previously approved ‘Early Works’ costs), professional fees and survey costs of £253,696, £90,000 for loose furniture & equipment to support the expansion to 2FE and the setting up of Primary and Secondary SEN provision, £54,409 for supporting costs and a client held contingency commensurate to the scale and complexity of the project.
5. Note that the officer responsible for implementation is the Head of Service Learning Systems and the Head of Projects and Programmes, Asset Management & Regeneration and authorise them to enter into all other agreements required to deliver this project.