Issue - decisions

The first 12 months of the Recovery Service

03/01/2019 - Leeds Recovery Service

The Director of Adults and Health submitted a report which provided an update on each element of the Leeds Recovery Service; described how they worked together to provide a co-ordinated offer to people who need a short term intervention to support their recovery after a health issue or a significant change in their social circumstances, and which outlined plans for the continued development of the Recovery Service and its links with partners.


Members welcomed the submitted report and paid tribute to the collaborative approach that was being taken to deliver the service and the vital role it was playing in realising the ambition of enabling people to remain in their own home and reducing the need for ongoing long term care. The Board highlighted how this service was a further example of the ‘invest to save’ approach, and how it looked to put the needs of the individual at the heart of the service.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board received further information on the average length of stay for users of the service, with examples also being provided of how the investment which was being made into the service was delivering value for money. 


In conclusion, the Chair, on behalf of the Board extended her thanks to the staff who were delivering the Leeds Recovery Service.



(a)  That the strategic significance of the Recovery Service to the Leeds system, be noted;


(b)  That the progress made within the Leeds Recovery Service be noted, together with the positive outcomes for customers and family carers that have been achieved through the service changes which have been made;


(c)  That it be noted that the Director of Adults and Health is responsible for the implementation of the services outlined within the submitted report.