Issue - decisions

Section 106 A654 Thorpe Lane / Middleton Lane Road Safety Scheme

25/01/2019 - Section 106 A654 Thorpe Lane / Middleton Lane Road Safety Scheme

The Chief Officer (Highways & Transportation);

i)  noted the contents of this report,


ii)  gave authority to progress the detailed design and implement the highway works as shown on drawing no. 12570/LCC/HWT/01/DR/EP/MI_18d in appendix 1;


iii)  gave authority to the City Solicitor to advertise a draft Speed Limit Order and subject to no valid objections being received, to make seal and implement the Order as advertised,


iv)  gave authority to advertise a Notice under the provisions of the Section 90C of the Highways Act 1980 required for each proposed vertical deflection traffic calming feature; and


v)  gave authority to incur expenditure of £167,000 being £115,000 works costs, £46,000 staff fees, and £6,000 legal fees, funded by £124,800 of Section 106 receipts and £42,200 of Leeds City Council ‘Capital borrowing’.

Note a further £40,000 of already approved Traffic Management 2018/19 capital budget ( LCC capital borrowing ) has also been earmarked to contribute to further works costs of this scheme, giving a potential total funded spend of £207,000.