Issue - decisions

To seek approval to waive Contracts Procedure Rule (CPR) 15.2 using the authority set out in CPR 1.3 to amend the quality threshold for the procurement of a ‘Learning from people’s lived experience of safeguarding’ research project to 100% quality

15/02/2019 - To seek approval to waive Contracts Procedure Rule (CPR) 15.2 using the authority set out in CPR 1.3 to amend the quality threshold for the procurement of a ‘Learning from people’s lived experience of safeguarding’ research project to 100% quality

The Director of Adults and Health has approved to use the authority under CPR 1.3 using the procedures set down under CPR 27 to waive the requirements of CPR 15.2 and approve the use of a 100% quality evaluation for the procurement of a Learning through Experience of Safeguarding research project, with a pre-determined contract sum.

The Director of Adults and Health noted that The Commissioning Officer will liaise with the Procurement and Commercial Service regarding the procurement exercise to ensure CPRs are adhered to.