Issue - decisions

European Structural and Investment Funds Programme 2014-2020 (ESIF) - Approval for the Extension of Ad:Venture and Digital Enterprise Projects

22/03/2019 - Extension of Ad:Venture and Digital Enterprise Programmes

The Director of City Development submitted a report which provided an update on the Ad: Venture and Digital Enterprise programmes and information on the efforts made by the Council to develop a new funding package to extend delivery for a further three years to 2022.


The report sought approval to enter into all contracts and funding agreements required for the extension of the Ad: Venture Enterprise Growth Programme and the Digital Enterprise Project until 2022; as well as authority to spend up to a further £9.5 million of European funds and up to a further £9.5 million of match funding on the Ad: Venture Enterprise Growth Programme and the Digital Enterprise Project, subject to the receipt of necessary funding approvals.


In discussing the report, the Board considered funding of the programme beyond 2022, recognising the need for continued support of the project. With regard to the mechanisms for securing the repatriation of EU funding to the regions it was designated for, Members noted that work in this area continued via the LGA.




a)  That the progress and success of Ad: Venture and Digital Enterprise made to date in supporting businesses and individuals across the Leeds City Region be noted.


b)  That approval be granted to seek authority to spend up to a further £9.5 million of European funds, and up to a further £9.5 million of match funding over the period 2019- 22 on the Ad: Venture Enterprise Growth Programme and the Digital Enterprise Project, subject to the receipt of the necessary funding approvals.


c)  That the Director of City Development be authorised to enter into all new contracts and funding agreements associated with the extension of Ad: Venture and Phase 2 of the Digital Enterprise Programme.


d)  That the Director of City Development be authorised to take all action necessary to continue delivery of Ad: Venture & Digital Enterprise.


e)  That it be noted that Executive Board will receive further reports on progress as part of on-going monitoring and reporting of the Inclusive Growth Strategy.


f)  That approval be given to exempt the resolutions arising from this report from the Call-In process, on the grounds of urgency, as detailed within section 4.5 of the submitted report.


(The Council’s Executive and Decision Making Procedure Rules state that a decision may be declared as being exempt from the Call In process if it is considered that any delay would seriously prejudice the Council’s, or the public’s interests. In line with this, the resolutions contained within this minute were exempted from the Call In process, as per resolution (f) above, and for the reasons as detailed within sections 4.5 of the submitted report)