Issue - decisions

Leeds Public Transport Investment Programme - Headrow Gateway and Harewood Junction

29/04/2019 - Leeds Public Transport Investment Programme: Headrow: Infirmary Street and Park Row City Centre Gateways; and Harewood Junction

Further to Minute No. 45, 25th July 2018, the Director of City Development submitted a report providing an update on the progress which had been made in respect of the Leeds Public Transport Investment Programme’s (LPTIP) significant schemes during 2018/19 and which outlined the next steps for the delivery of the Headrow Gateway (as part of the City Centre Gateways); Infirmary Street and Park Row improvement schemes (to complement the Headrow scheme); and the implementation of improvements to the junction of the A61 Harrogate Road and the A659, The Avenue at Harewood (part of the A61 North Bus Priority Corridor scheme).


With regard to the proposals concerning the Harewood A61/A659 junction, responding to a Member’s enquiry about whether a restriction to HGV access could be introduced as part of this proposal, the Board noted that although work had previously been carried out on this matter, further investigation would be undertaken as requested.


In relation to an enquiry regarding whether the new bus stops proposed as part of these schemes could provide passengers with real time information (RTI), the Board was advised that there was not sufficient resource for all bus stops to be equipped with RTI displays, therefore a prioritisation exercise would need to be undertaken.


Responding to an enquiry, assurance was provided to the Board that the Harewood Estate had been consulted upon the proposals regarding Harewood junction.


In response to a Member’s comments, the Board received further information on the practical benefits of the proposals for service users in the city centre, with it being noted that whilst this section of the LPTIP was aimed at making improvements in the city centre, other parts of Leeds would benefit from different strands of the programme. With regard to bus services across the city, it was highlighted to the Board that dialogue was ongoing between the Council, the Combined Authority and the bus operators with the aim of improving such services throughout Leeds.


Responding to an enquiry regarding the planting of trees as part of the proposals, the Board was advised that advice was being sought to ensure that the most appropriate species and planting methods would be used. Also, Members suggested that in addition to trees, other forms of foliage could potentially be used.



(a)  That the progress which has been made since April 2016 in developing proposals for the relevant projects benefitting from LPTIP funding, together with the responses received from the subsequent public consultation exercises undertaken, be noted;


(b)  That expenditure of £20.7million from the existing LPTIP fund, to carry out detailed design and construction of the Headrow Gateway, be approved;


(c)  That expenditure of £0.65m from the existing LPTIP fund, to carry out detailed design and construction of the improvements to Harewood junction as part of the A61 North Bus Priority Corridor, be approved;


(d)  That the expenditure of, and injection into the Capital Programme of £5.6m, funded from the West Yorkshire Transport Fund (WYTF) which will be used to carry out detailed design and construction of the Infirmary Street and Park Row schemes, be approved;


(e)  That subject to ongoing consultation taking place with relevant Executive Members as appropriate, it be noted that the Chief Officer for Highways and Transportation will be responsible for the implementation of the resolutions arising from the submitted report, as detailed;


(f)  That it be noted that a separate report will be presented to Executive Board later in the year, seeking approval of the detailed design and cost of the public realm proposals for Cookridge Street and New Briggate.