Issue - decisions

Award a grant to continue and expand the Supporting Wellbeing in Frailty (SWIFt) service

16/05/2019 - Award a grant to continue and expand the Supporting Wellbeing in Frailty (SWIFt) service

The Director of Adults and Health approved -

1.1  To continue to deliver the service with the existing delivery partners, Age UK Leeds, Crossgates Good Neighbours, Older People’s Action in the Locality (OPAL), Bramley Elderly Action and Health for All, to enable the ongoing development, testing and evaluating of the service.

1.2  Expand the service into six new Local Care Partnership (LCP) areas with the greatest need in terms of levels of moderate and severe frailty and deprivation by undertaking a competitive grant process

1.3  Provide advice and guidance across the LCP areas in relation to best practice approaches for supporting older people from BME communities that are living with frailty. 

1.4  Deliver a citywide service to provide support to older people living with frailty that have more complex (Physical and Mental) health needs.  In addition, the citywide service will provide support and opportunities to share best practice amongst local SWIFt workers in each area, including best practice around the needs of people living with frailty within some of the specific target audiences.  A competitive grants process will also be utilised for the award of this funding.