Issue - decisions

Kirkgate Market TRO - Associated with the Proposed Car Park

17/04/2019 - Kirkgate Market TRO - Associated with the Proposed Car Park

i) subject to the proposed car park being granted Planning Permission; approved the alterations to the Hackney Carriage Rank on George Street at an estimated cost of £7,000, fully funded by the Markets Major Refurbishment underspend. Details are shown on drawing number TM/10/GS/TRO1;
ii) requested the City Solicitor to advertise a draft Traffic Regulation Order and if no valid objections are received, to make, seal and implement the Order as advertised; and
iii) requested the City Solicitor to advertise a draft amendment Order to the existing Leeds City Council (Off-Street Parking Places) (Consolidation) Order 2010 to introduce the measures as described in paragraph 2.4 shown on drawing No. TM/15/3138/PPO/HB and if no valid objections are received, to make and seal the order as advertised.