Forthcoming Key Decisions

This page lists the key decisions due to be taken within Leeds City Council over the next few months. Details of each key decision will be published below at least 28 clear days before the decision is due to be taken

What is a 'Key Decision'?

A key decision is an executive decision which is likely to:

  • result in the Authority incurring expenditure or making savings over £500,000, or
  • have a significant effect on communites living or working in an area comprising one or more wards.
  • Article 13 of the Council's Constitution provides more details about which decisions will be treated as key decisions.

    How to get more information about a particular key decision

    The agenda papers for Executive Board meetings, and the documents being considered by officers taking key decisions, are available five working days before the decision will be made through the Council's website.

    The contact details of a lead officer are provided for each key decision listed below. Please contact the lead officer directly if you wish to obtain copies or extracts of any other listed documents, or if you wish to receive details of further documents as they become available. Sometimes the papers you request may contain exempt of confidential information. If this is the case, the lead officer will explain why it will not be possible to make copies available.

    Forthcoming Key Decisions
    Title Ref Notice published Urgent? Status Decision due
    Leeds City Council to enter into an agreement with and accept grant funding of approximately £13.5m from the Department for Education (DfE) in support of Adoption England17/02/2025For DeterminationNot before 18/03/2025
    Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Recovery Improvement Grant 2025/2614/02/2025For Determination03/2025
    Receipt of Grant Funding Linked to Get Britain Working Regional Funding11/02/2025For Determination23/04/2025
    Requesting approval to directly award a new contract to Community Links via the NHS Provider Selection Regime for mental health accommodation services, to commence on 1st July 2025.11/02/2025For Determination03/2025
    Award a contract to Adoption UK for pan-regional Peer mentoring on behalf of the three Yorkshire Regional Adoption Agencies10/02/2025For DeterminationNot before 11/03/2025
    Procurement of a Contractor (s) and Authority to spend to deliver Fire Safety Improvement works to Lakeland Court.07/02/2025For DeterminationNot before 10/03/2025
    Authority to procure a community stop smoking service for people who smoke with, or are at risk of developing, a common mental health illness and / or a long term physical health condition06/02/2025For Determination03/2025
    Outcome of consultation on a proposal to close Queensway Primary School05/02/2025For Determination12/03/2025