Issue details

Public Spaces Protection Order- North West Leeds

The Director of Communities and Environment is recommended to approve the ‘sign off’ of Public Spaces Protection Orders within Leeds City Council.

Decision type: Key Decision

Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/12/2019

Decision due: Not before 22nd Jan 2020 by Director of Communities, Housing & Environment

Lead director: Director of Communities, Housing & Environment

Department: Public Health

Contact: Harvinder Saimbhi 0113 3789662 Email:

Consultation process

Safer Leeds has carried out extensive engagement and consultation with community safety partner agencies, Leeds City Council Ward Members, West Yorkshire Police (including the Chief Superintendent), the Police and Crime Commissioner, Leeds Chamber of Commerce, and community representatives and stakeholders; including that required by statute. A number of educational groups have been included within this consultation including Leeds University, Leeds Becket University, Leeds College of Music, Leeds College of Art, and Leeds Trinity University. This consultation is outlined in the Safer Leeds Executive report dated 14 November 2019.

Consultation has been carried out with Local Ward Members and the PSPO is supported.

Police and Crime Commissioner – Consultation has been carried out with Commissioner Mark Burns-Williamson and the PSPO is supported.

Leeds City Council’s Communities Team has been consulted with. 

Resident groups have advised agencies and Ward Members of concerns around general anti social behaviour, noise nuisance, and environmental issues.

The statutory public consultation generated a response from 430 respondents with a direct connection to the locality.

To support an understanding of community concerns each prohibition was separately consulted upon within the survey. Each prohibition was supported by over 80% of respondents, with the greatest support for the prohibition connected to waste.


This is provided in the fuller report.
