Issue details

Better Lives Better Living Programme - Crisis House Property Acquisition

Decision to acquire a property to facilitate the provision of a residential Crisis House Service which will provide intensive support for people in Leeds experiencing a mental health crisis.

Decision type: Key Decision

Reason Key: Financial Impact>£500K;

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: Killingbeck and Seacroft;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 19/06/2020

Decision due: Not before 20th Jul 2020 by Director of City Development

Lead director: Martin Farrington, Cath Roff

Department: Adult and Health

Contact: Christopher Capitano 0113 378 8273 Email:

Consultation process

Executive Members and Local ward members representing Killingbeck and Seacroft have been briefed and consulted in relation to the proposed acquisition.


Executive Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adults

Executive Member for Communities

Executive Member for Resources

Ward Members representing Killingbeck and Seacroft

Portfolio Holder: Executive Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adults


  • Report to be issued to the decision maker with the agenda for the meeting