To approve the programme of planned highways asset maintenance and strengthening (roads and highway structures) works for the 2021/22 financial year (with a provisional programme for 2022-2024), and give authority to incur expenditure linked to these works.
Decision type: Key Decision
Reason Key: Financial Impact>£500K;
Decision status:
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/02/2021
Decision due: Not before 4th Mar 2021 by Director of City Development
Lead director: Director of City Development
Department: City Development
Contact: Richard Hobson 0113 378 7318 Email:
Consultation process
Ward Councillors, Town and Parish are consulted on an annual basis, this is then used to inform the decisions taken regarding streets included within the annual works programme, and those also included to spend any additional funding which may be received throughout the year. This year the consultation was carried out between 1st and 31st July 2020. Confirmation on the results of the consultation will be sent out shortly.
Executive Member for Climate Change, Transport and Sustainable Development, all Ward Members, All Town and Parish Councils.