Issue details

Future Trends and Opportunities in our City and Local Centres

Covid-19 has changed the way we think about place and how we use our spaces, as well as how we travel, socialise, work and shop.

This is posing important questions for cities like Leeds. Because of this, we have undertaken several pieces of work to consider future trends and opportunities in our city and local centres. The report outlines this work and sets out next steps to continue to proactively respond to these trends and opportunities.

Decision type: Key Decision

Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/08/2021

Decision due: 22 Sep 2021 by Executive Board

Lead director: Director of City Development

Department: City Development

Contact: Fiona Bolam 0113 535 1882 Email:,.

Consultation process

Extensive consultation has been undertaken including over 1,300 responses to a survey from local residents, workshops, Scrutiny Board (Infrastructure, Investment, and Inclusive Growth), Inclusive Growth Delivery Partnership and others. We are also currently working with Ahead Partnership to gain young people’s feedback on our approach.


Extensive consultation has been undertaken including over 1,300 responses to a survey from local residents, workshops, Scrutiny Board (Infrastructure, Investment, and Inclusive Growth), Inclusive Growth Delivery Partnership and others. We are also currently working with Ahead Partnership to gain young people’s feedback on our approach.

Portfolio Holder: Executive Member for Economy, Culture and Education


Agenda items


  • The report to be issued to the decision maker with the agenda for the meeting