The decision required directly relates to the proposed future relationship with NPS Leeds ltd. The associated report outlines the work that has taken place to date to ensure a design service and technical advice will be readily accessible to Leeds City Council following the expiry of the current agreement on 31st January 2022.
The report recommends: extending the current agreement between Leeds City Council and Norfolk Property Services until 31st of March 2022. This will ensure the start date of the new agreement will align to both the Council’s and NPS Leeds financial periods.
Agree the extension of the Joint Venture Company between Leeds City Council and Norfolk Property Services for a further 10 years (with a break clause in years 2,5 and 7).
Delegate authority to the Director of City Development to finalise the contractual terms between Leeds City Council and NPS Leeds Ltd.
Decision type: Key Decision
Reason Key: Financial Impact>£500K;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 19/10/2021
Decision due: 17 Nov 2021 by Executive Board
Lead director: Director of City Development
Department: City Development
Contact: Edward Staveley, Principal Asset Management Officer , City Development 0113 378 7204 Email:
Consultation process
All directorates have been consulted through established internal governance processes. The Executive Member for Resources and the Leader of the Council have been briefed via the appropriate briefing sessions.
All LCC directorates.
NPS Leeds Ltd – Board of Directors and staff.
The Executive Member for Resources.
Leader of the Council.
LCC Trade Unions.
Portfolio Holder: Executive Member for Resources