Issue details

Approval of the updated Leeds Housing Strategy

Brief Description

Requesting approval from Executive Board for the new Leeds Housing Strategy.

Impact On Wards

All wards. The Strategy is a high-level document which will guide the delivery of the housing sector and the services it has a role in delivering across the city.

Financial and procurement implications


Partnership working



Decision type: Key Decision

Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 19/05/2022

Decision due: June 2022 by Executive Board

Lead director: Director of Communities, Housing & Environment

Department: Communities, Housing and Environment

Contact: Mandy Sawyer 0113 5350703 Email:

Consultation process

The new Housing Strategy has been developed through an extensive consultation process with a wide range of stakeholders, from across the Council and partners across the city, and the citizens of Leeds.


Leeds Strategic Housing Board

Scrutiny Board Environment, Housing and Communities

Health & Wellbeing Board

Directorate Leadership Teams

Elected members



Agenda items


  • Report  
  • DDN