Issue details

Leeds Affordable Housing Growth Partnership Action Plan

To endorse the Leeds Affordable Housing Growth Partnership Action Plan 2022-25 and the Council’s role in its delivery, including use of land assets, use of commuted sums, providing an evidence base for consideration through Local Plan update.

To delegate final approval of the LAHGPAP to the Director of City Development under the Council’s existing approved scheme of delegation.

Decision type: Key Decision

Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 23/08/2022

Decision due: 21 Sep 2022 by Executive Board

Lead director: Director of City Development

Department: City Development

Contact: Christa Jolley 0113 3787713 Email:

Consultation process

Executive Member


Development Plans Panel, Area Committee Chairs, IIIG Scrutiny

Portfolio Holder: Executive Member for Infrastructure and Climate


Agenda items


  • The report to be issued to the decision maker with the agenda for the meeting