Issue details

Bid to Host the Eurovision Song Contest 2023

Approval to submit Leeds’ bid to host the Eurovision Song Contest 2023.

Decision type: Key Decision

Reason Key: Financial Impact>£500K;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/08/2022

Reason for urgency:
Due to the short time scale of the bidding process, there is a need to follow the special urgency procedure relating to publicity in connection with Key Decisions. In line with Part 2 of The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, and Part 4(b) 2.3.4 and 2.6.1 the relevant Scrutiny Board Chair has provided confirmation that consideration of this matter is urgent and cannot reasonably be deferred. The use of the special urgency provisions on this occasion will in accordance with Executive and Decision-Making Rule 2.6.2 feature in the annual report to the Corporate Governance & Audit Committee.

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
For the same reasons as outlined below for special urgency, in accordance with Part 4(b) 5.1.3 of the Constitution the recommendations within the report include the decision being declared exempt from Call In as the decision is urgent, and any delay would seriously prejudice the Council’s interests as the Call In period extends beyond the deadline for submitting the bid.

Decision due: 5 Sep 2022 by Executive Board

Lead director: Director of City Development

Department: City Development

Contact: Eve Roodhouse, Chief Officer Culture and Economy 07775 597955 Email:

Consultation process

Direct consultation with key stakeholders involved in the compilation of the City’s bid.

Leader of the Council.

Executive Board Member for Economy, Culture and Education.

West Yorkshire Combined Authority

ASM (First Direct Arena)

Leeds 2023

Ward Members


Direct consultation with key stakeholders involved in the compilation of the City’s bid.

Leader of the Council.

Executive Board Member for Economy, Culture and Education.

West Yorkshire Combined Authority

ASM (First Direct Arena)

Leeds 2023

Ward Members

Portfolio Holder: Executive Member for Economy, Culture and Education


Agenda items


  • The report to be issued to the decision maker with the agenda for the meeting