Approval to delegate authority for the development of LCC owned land sites and available rooftop sites for the installation and construction of solar panels for generation of clean, renewable energy by LCC to offset current electricity usage and rising volatile energy costs.
Approve increasing the commitment to deliver 10% of the Council’s electricity demand through locally based renewables generation by 2025/26, with a commitment to achieve up to 30%
Approve the injection of up to £50m for the development of a mix of solar farm capacity and rooftop solar with potential for battery storage, subject to:
a viable business case for each site and
subject to securing funding,
with the Director of Resources being satisfied with the final business case and funding arrangements.
Delegate authority to spend and authority to award a contract to the Director of Resources.
Provide authority to establish a local authority company should there be a requirement, on terms that are agreed by the Director of Resources and in consultation with the Executive Member for Resources, City Solicitor and the section 151 officer.
Agree to the principle of selling surplus electricity generated at a solar farm to the National Grid or other public sector organisations within the city where there is a positive financial benefit.
Decision type: Key Decision
Reason Key: Financial Impact>£500K;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/11/2022
Reason for urgency:
Due to an administrative error, this decision has not been included in the list of forthcoming key decisions for 28 clear days. Therefore in accordance with section 2.5 of the Executive and Decision Making Procedure Rules, this decision is being made under General Exception provisions.
Decision due: 14 Dec 2022 by Executive Board
Lead director: Director of Resources
Department: Resources
Contact: Chris O`Brien, Senior Project Officer 0113 3786362 Email:
Consultation process
The Energy Strategy was submitted and approved by Executive Board in February 2022, since then the Executive Member for Infrastructure and Climate and Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Resources have and will continue to be briefed. Individual ward members have been consulted where likely sites were being considered-some have since been discounted. Any sites deemed suitable through site selection will be subject to the full rigor of the planning process which includes the opportunity for local residents to comment or object. |