Issue details

Request for Extension of the Reassessment Team for Two Years, April 2023 to March 2025

Brief Description

The original intention of the Reassessment Team was to address the issue whereby 700 plus individuals in Adults and Health were not being billed for services commissioned, this presented inequality in terms of the charging policy along with £3million in lost income. The Team have worked effectively and efficiently since its inception in 2019 and has achieved substantial income generation and several million of pounds worth of cashable Value for Money reassessments. Approval is sought to extend the Team for a further two years on the basis of its success to date and its impact upon driving up quality standards in commissioned services.

Impact On Wards

This work will ensure that people with health and care needs across all communities will benefit from a regular reviewing programme in order to tailor support plans to maximise independence and to address any quality of care matters that may arise.

Financial and procurement implications

The Team has to date funded itself via the cashable savings generated and it is envisaged that they will continue to generate significant savings and continue its work with regards to income generation.

Partnership working

The programme of work which will be undertaken by the Team will also involve people who are subject to Section 117 aftercare and any generated efficiencies will also benefit the ICB. The ICB have demonstrated an interest in also wanting to invest in nurses to enhance a dual discipline / review process.


Decision type: Key Decision

Reason Key: Financial Impact>£500K;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 26/01/2023

Decision due: February 2023 by Director of Adults and Health

Lead director: Director of Adults and Health

Department: Adult and Health

Contact: Shona McFarlane, Chief Officer Access and Care Delivery 0113 378 9848 Email:

Consultation process

The Trade Unions have been involved and communicated with in regards to the initial implementation and the plans for extension of the Reassessment Team.


GMB and Unison
