Brief Description |
To commission an interim home care services contract to start on expiry of the current community home care contract, whilst the Community Health and Wellbeing Service pilot is ongoing. |
Impact On Wards |
n/a – this is a city wide service. |
Financial and procurement implications |
Home Care is a statutory service that the Council is required to provide by law. The annual value is dictated by demand but is approximately £47m based on current demand and prices. |
Partnership working |
None |
Decision type: Key Decision
Reason Key: Financial Impact>£500K;
Decision status:
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/10/2023
Decision due: November 2023 by Director of Adults and Health
Lead director: Director of Adults and Health
Department: Adult and Health
Contact: Mark Phillott, Commissioning Manager 0113 37 83923 Email:
Consultation process
The home care provider market will be consulted with, on the operation of the new interim contract through a series of consultation events during September and October 2023.
The home care provider market.
The Executive Member for Adult Social Care, Public Health and Active Lifestyles.