Issue details

New 3 year contract (2 years plus a possible extension of up to 12 months) for the existing Leeds Domestic Violence Service

The current contract delivering support for people experiencing domestic abuse will expire on 31st March 2025. Approval will be sought to put a new 3 year contract in place with the current provider from 1st April 2025. A competitive procurement exercise will then take place during 2026/27 with a view to a new longer-term contract being in place from 1st April 2028.

Decision type: Key Decision

Reason Key: Financial Impact>£500K;

Decision status:

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/02/2024

Decision due: Not before 15th Mar 2024 by Director of Communities, Housing & Environment

Lead director: Director of Communities, Housing & Environment

Department: Communities, Housing and Environment

Contact: Alison Ferguson, Commissioning and Contracts Officer Email:

Consultation process

Key partners and stakeholders will be consulted on any changes proposed for the specification that will cover the proposed new contract period (1st April 2025 – 31st March 2028)



Further consultation will take place with:

·  the Domestic Abuse Local Partnership Board

·  Leeds Housing Options

·  The Domestic Violence and Safeguarding Team

Existing providers
