Issue details

Urgent Works Notice - 84-85, 86-87, 88 and 91 Kirkgate, Leeds City Centre

To expend up to £700,000 to carry out emergency works in default following service of urgent work notice.

Decision type: Key Decision

Reason Key: Financial Impact>£500K;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Little London and Woodhouse;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/07/2024

Reason for urgency:
This decision is recommended to be taken under Special Urgency and be exempt from call-in as the works required to prevent further deterioration of the property are urgent and any delay would seriously prejudice the Council’s or the public’s interests. For this reason, it is proposed that this report should be considered to be of special urgency and is exempt from Call-in. The Executive Member for Economy, Transport and Sustainable Development and the Scrutiny Chair (Infrastructure, Investment and Inclusive Growth) are supportive of this approach.

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
This decision is recommended to be taken under Special Urgency and be exempt from call-in as the works required to prevent further deterioration of the property are urgent and any delay would seriously prejudice the Council’s or the public’s interests. For this reason, it is proposed that this report should be considered to be of special urgency and is exempt from Call-in. The Executive Member for Economy, Transport and Sustainable Development and the Scrutiny Chair (Infrastructure, Investment and Inclusive Growth) are supportive of this approach.

Decision due: 2 Aug 2024 by Chief Planning Officer

Lead director: Chief Planning Officer

Department: City Development

Contact: Philip Ward, Conservation Officer 0113 378 7625 Email:

Consultation process

Briefings with Executive Member for Economy, Transport and Sustainable Development, and Scrutiny Chair (Infrastructure, Investment and Inclusive Growth)


Briefings with Executive Member for Economy, Transport and Sustainable Development, and Scrutiny Chair (Infrastructure, Investment and Inclusive Growth)
