The East of Otley development scheme was previously awarded Housing Infrastructure Funding (HIF) to support initial design and feasibility as well as supporting scheme viability given the level of infrastructure required to facilitate development. The scheme viability has been reassessed and the Brownfield Infrastructure and Land (BIL) Fund has been identified as a potentially more suitable funding approach. A decision is therefore required to withdraw from HIF and to enter into a new agreement with Homes England for BIL funding. A decision is also required to inject the Council’s land holdings which form part of the development into the Capital Receipt Programme.
Decision type: Key Decision
Reason Key: Financial Impact>£500K;
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: Otley and Yeadon;
Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/11/2024
Decision due: 11 Dec 2024 by Executive Board
Lead director: Director of City Development
Department: City Development
Contact: Christa Jolley 0113 378 7713 Email:
Consultation process
Member briefings
Executive Member for Economy, Transport and Sustainable Development, the Executive Member for Housing, the Executive Member for Resources, and local ward members.
Portfolio Holder: Executive Member for Economy, Transport and Sustainable Development