Issue details

Aire Valley Leeds Enterprise Zone

·  Executive Board note and agree to:

·  the proposals to establish an enterprise zone in Aire Valley Leeds and the governance arrangements regarding its operation.

·  the use of Local Development Orders and that officers start the appropriate consultation process with a view to the secretary of state making a final approval of the orders in January/February 2012.

·  an injection of fully funded capital resources and authority to spend for the funding and for legal documents to be completed for the installation of a main spine link road.


Decision type: Key Decision

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: Burmantofts and Richmond Hill; Temple Newsam;

Decision due: 7 Mar 2012 by Executive Board

Lead director: Director of City Development

Department: City Development

Contact: Email:

Consultation process

City Development and LEP, Plans Panel Members, Ward Members, local communities and stakeholders

Portfolio Holder: Portfolio: Development and the Economy

Agenda items


  • The report to be issued to the decision maker with the agenda for the meeting